Creek Critters

Ever Wonder What Lives in the Creek?

For all you nature lovers, here’s another activity to add to your list – macro-invertebrate watching!

Creek Critter Days

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Little Falls Watershed Alliance is excited to be part of a group using ANS's  Creek Critter Identification App for a fun in the creek event.  Twice a year, we host Creek Critters Days.  At this family oriented event, adults and kids alike will enjoy getting in the creek and hunting for macro-invertebrates.  We provide all the necessary equipment.  Participants use the ANS app to identify the bugs they find.  In the past, we found caddisfly, mayfly, crane fly and black fly larvae as well as scuds, leeches, and planaria. Also a snake and a lot of fish!

Watch our calendar for events dates.

Try the App.  Download it for yourself. The app is designed to engage people in improving the health of their local streams by leading them through a macro-invertebrate collection. The app guides novices on finding an appropriate collection site in a stream, collecting macros (“creek critters”) using an inexpensive set of supplies, and identifying the macros. A stream health report is automatically generated based on the macros that are found. The app is intended to build on the excitement generated when people learn about the stream habitat and discover the critters that make their homes in this habitat.  

 In the creek, hunting for macro-invertebrates

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