Montgomery Parks Wants Your Opinion

Parks of the Future: Voice Your Vision Campaign initiatives:

Montgomery Parks Wants Your Input!
Help us plan the “Parks and Recreation of the Future,” by sharing your ideas on what you’d like to see in your community. Visit to submit suggestions and take a brief survey.

Click HERE to take it today:

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Montgomery Parks is seeking public input into three separate but related park projects, via a Parks of the Future Campaign. The projects in this campaign include the 2017 Parks, Recreation and Open Space Plan (2017 PROS), the Energized Public Spaces Functional Master Plan (EPS) and the Capital Improvements Program(CIP).

2017 PROS Plan and EPS

With the state supported Vision 2030 Strategic Plan as a cornerstone, Park Staff is seeking opportunities to present the 2017 Parks, Recreation, and Open Space (PROS) Plan Update and a new parks functional master plan to address the need for parkland in the highest populated areas of the county.

The Energized Public Spaces Functional Master Plan (EPS FMP) for Parks in Mixed Use and Higher Density Residential Areas, will allow park planners to quickly adapt to changing park needs in some areas of the county, particularly in areas where growth in residents and businesses is forecasted.  Both plans will help predict future needs to better determine how to put the right parks in the right places and steward our natural and cultural resources.

In all, the three plans require public knowledge and input to improve services to county residents. The linking of the projects will improve park survey opportunities and record public comments.